Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Song of the WEEK 159: Passenger - Let Her Go

Passenger is a British folk project. "Let Her Go" is a song taken from the latest album, "All the Little Lights". The album was released on February 24, 2012.

Passenger este un proiect muzical folk din Marea Britanie. "Let Her Go" este single-ul extras de pe cel mai nou album, "All the Little Lights". Albumul a fost lansat pe 24 Februarie 2012.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

new video: What's Up & Andra - K la Meteo

Acesta este videoclipul melodiei "K la Meteo", iterpretata de What's Up si Andra. Este primul single al lui What's Up si a fost produs de Marius Moga. Videoclipul a fost regizat de Iulian Moga.

Monday, September 17, 2012

new single: ZAHO - Boloss

"Boloss" is the new single by French singer ZAHO. This is taken from her upcoming second studio album, "Contagieuse". The album will be released on December 3, 2012.

"Boloss" este noul single al cantaretei franceze ZAHO.