Stiu ca au fost multe discutii in legatura cu RBD. Unii ii iubeau, altii ii urau, chiar daca judecau doar dupa aparente. Eu am fost fan RBD si consider ca in cei 4 ani de activitate au realizat ceva. Iata topul meu:
I know that there were lots of discussions about RBD. Some people loved the group some other didn't. I was a fan of RBD and I think that they did a great job in those 4 years. This is my top:
10. Otro Dia Que Va (album: Rebelde)
9. Tu Amor (album: Rebels)
8. Camino Al Sol (album: Para Olvidarte De Mi)
7. Salvame (album: Rebelde)
6. Este Corazon (album: Nuestro Amor)
5. Rebelde (album: Rebelde)
4. Ser O Parecer (album: Celestial)
3. Inalcanzable (album: Empezar Desde Cero)
2. Era La Musica (album: Rebels)
1. Que Hay Detras (album: Nuestro Amor) s-au despartit ink ii ca ai postat asta>:D<