Vineri, in cadrul festivalului "Cooltura Urbana" desfasurat la Targoviste, TSB (Tibi Scobiola Band) a sustinut un recital de zile mari, unde a interpretat cover-uri cunoscute dar si primul single al trupei, "Away", in colaborare cu David Deejay. Iata ce mi-a spus Tibi pe Facebook:
"Piesa "Away" este compozitie proprie TSB in colaborare cu David Dj.
Clipul piesei este in lucru si sper sa fie gata pana la sfarsitul lunii...Iunie ,normal."
The first single of TSB (Tibi Scobiola Band) is "Away", produced in collaboration with David Deejay. Look what said Tibi Scobiola about this song:
"Away is the composition of TSB in collaboration with David Deejay. The video is being worked and I hope that will be ready by the end of June".
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