Daca nu ati aflat inca, serialul "Ghost Whisperer" a fost anulat, dupa 5 sezoane. CBS a renuntat la serial pe motiv ca rating-urile inregistrate de ultimul sezon ar fi fost slabe, urmand ca serialul sa fie preluat de ABC. Din motive inca nestiute, ABC a renuntat si el sa mai preia "Ghos Whisperer". Dupa 5 sezone pline de intamplari, Melinda Gordon a lasat in urma bucurii, tristeti si o gramada de lucruri neclare. Mai jos aveti cateva clipuri cu momente din serial.
If you don't know yet, "Ghost Whisperer" was cancelled after 5 seasons.CBS announced that "Ghost Whisperer" would not be returning for another season on CBS, citing rising costs and a decline in viewing figures as the reasons. ABC had expressed interest in picking up "Ghost Whisperer" for Fall 2010. On May 27, 2010, Michael Ausiello reported that ABC had passed on renewing "Ghost Whisperer" for its sixth season. Let's watch some of Melinda Gordon's adventures during these 5 seasons.
Season 1
Remember Andrea
Last Scene
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