Taylor Momsen, intepreta rebelei Jenny Humphrey din serialul "Gossip Girl", se tine si de muzica. Dupa cum probabil stiati, ea face parte din trupa de rock alternativ "The Pretty Reckless", si a anuntat ca de curand au semnat cu "Interscope Records". Primul single al trupei a fost lansat pe 13 Mai 2010 si se numeste "Make Me Wanna Die". Piesa suna bine, dar inca nu am auzit-o pe Taylor live si nu imi pot face o idee deaspre vocea ei. In curand o sa apara si videoclipul. Single-ul se descurca bine in UK si poate ca in sezonul urmator o sa auzim si muzica "The Pretty Reckless", nu numai Leighton Meester.
So, as you know, Taylor Momsen aka Jenny Humphrey from "Gossip Girl" is the lead singer of an alternative rock band named "The Pretty Reckless". The band signed with "Interscope Records" and the first single, released on May 13th 2010, is "Make Me Wanna Die". The song sounds good, but I want to hear it live. Soon will get the video too.
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