Sunday, October 24, 2010

new single: Kat Deluna - Party O'Clock

Kat Deluna se pregateste pentru lansarea cel de-al doilea album, "Inside Out", pe 5 Noiembrie 2010. Pana atunci, ne prezinta cel de-al doilea single de pe album, care se numeste "Party O'Clock" si a fost compus de Red One.

Kat Deluna will release her second studio album "Inside Out" on November 5, 2010. Till then she presents us her second single from the album which is "Party O'Clock', and it was produced by Red One.



  1. Is that an avatar above on the "inside out" cover? cause thats not kat deluna. looks nuttn like her. those teeth. everything about it. lmao. thats funny looking. they photoshopped the shit out of kat. thats horrible looking.....amusing tho.

  2. Is that an avatar above on the "inside out" cover? cause thats not kat deluna. looks nuttn like her. those teeth. everything about it. lmao. thats funny looking. they photoshopped the shit out of kat. thats horrible looking.....amusing tho.
