Gary Moore a murit ieri, 6 februarie 2011, intr-un hotel din Spania, la varsta de 58 de ani. Acesta a lasat in urma peste 20 de albume, lansate in perioada 1973-2008, de pe care a extras numeroase single-uri, devenite hit-uri. Un exemplu ar fi melodia "Still Got The Blues", al doilea single promovat de pe albumul cu acelasi nume, lansat in 1990.
Gary Moore died yesterday February 6, 2011 in a hotel room in Spain, at the age of 58. The artist left behind him 20 studio albums released between 1973-2008. His songs became worldwide hits, and one example is "Still Got The Blues". This was the second single from the same named album, released in 1990.
Ce ramane dupa un astfel de geniu? Creatia sa, pastrata mereu vie in inimile celor ce-i iubesc muzica! RIP Gary Moore :(