Monday, May 27, 2013

new video: Loreen - We Got the Power

The Swedish singer Loreen released the video for her new single. The music video for 'We Got the Power' was directed by Loreen herself and although it's quite simple, it's not boring at all. Loreen's new single has a strong message, that we all got the power to feel love. This song will most probably be included on her second album.

Cantareata suedeza, Loreen, a lansat videoclipul pentru noul ei single 'We Got the Power'.
Videoclipul a fost regizat chiar de cantareata si desi este destul de simplu, nu este deloc plictisitor. Noul single are un mesaj destul de puternic de transmis, si anume acela ca toti avem puterea de a simti iubirea. Cel mai probabil single-ul promoveaza cel de-al doilea album al sau.


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