O alta cantareata a fost curpinsa de febram "pam-pam-pam". Corina revine cu un nou single, "Latino Caffe", in limba spaniola. Piesa este produsa de David Deejay si Dony si urmeaza trendul melodiilor popcorn. Chiar imi placeau melodiile Corinei si stilul ei aparte. Daca a avut melodii de care imi voi aminti peste ani, consider ca "Latino Caffe" este o melodie de vara, ce va fi uitata curand. Plictisitor...
Corina has a new single named "Latino Caffe". It Is a song sang in spanish, and it was produced by David Deejay and Dony. If her old songs will remain in my mind over the years, I think that this one is just a "summer song".
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