Am inceput sa urmaresc "Neveste Disperate" acum cativa ani cand au dat serialul pe TVR 1, iar sezonul 3 l-am urmarit cand l-au dat pe PRIMA TV. Apoi am asteptat si celelalte sezoane, dar se pare ca nu au mai fost date la noi. Dupa ce s-a terminat sezonul 4 din "Dexter", am aflat ca Julie Benz, care interpreta rolul sotiei lui Dexter, o sa joace in sezonul 6 din "Neveste Disperate", si astfel am decis sa reiau serialul. Mai am de vazut 10 episoade si sunt la zi.
"Desperate Housewives" (gen: drama, comedie; cu : Eva Longoria, Nicolette Sheridan, Felicity Huffman, Teri Hatcher, Marcia Cross, James Denton, Kathryn Joosten)

Povestea, narata de Mary Alice Young, o "housewife" care s-a ucis, urmareste vietile locuitorilor din Wisteria Lane. In centrul atentiei se afla cele 4 casnice: Lynette Scavo, Bree Van De Kamp, Susan Mayer, Gabrielle Solis si mai tarziu Edie Britt si Katherine Myfair. De-a lungul celor 6 sezone aparute pana acum, casnicele vor trece prin diferite incercari, vor avea copii, vor divorta, se vor recasatori, se vor certa, se vor impaca, vor ramane sarace, se vor imbogati, se vor angaja, vor fi concediate, vor insela, vor fi inselate, dar se vor bucura de viata pe care o au si de prietenia ce le leaga.
Ce-mi place la acest serial este ca mereu ma face sa rad, se petrec foarte multe lucruri amuzante, dar si intamplari din care ai ce invata, iar fiecare episod se incheie prin cateva cuvinte cu talc.
Pana acum pot sa spun ca cel mai mult mi-a palcut episodul 19 din sezonul 5, narat de Edie Britt, si in care aceasta isi ia adio de la viata din Wisteria Lane.
Desi este cel mai vizionat serial de televiziune, mi se pare ca au pierdut mult eliminand personajul Edie Britt, interpretat de Nicolette Sheridan.
Se pare ca cele 4 protagoniste castiga cate 400.000 dolari pe pe episod, iar pana acum serialul a castigat 41 de premii, printre care 3 "Golden Globes".
Ultimele cuvinte rostite de Edie Britt:
And that is how Wisteria Lane come to be my final resting place. My ashes were spread over grass I had once walked on... beneath trees that had once given me shade... on top of the roses I once admired... and beside fences I once gossiped over. And after my friends had finished saying goodbye, a wind came along and took what was left of me into the air.
As I looked down on the world, I began to let go of it. I let go of white picket fences and cars in driveways, coffee cups and vacuum cleaners. I let go off all those things which seem so ordinary, but when you put them together, they make up a life... a life that really was one of a kind.
I'll tell you something: It's not hard to die when you know you have lived, and I did. Oh, how I lived.
Ultimele cuvinte rostite de Edie Britt:
And that is how Wisteria Lane come to be my final resting place. My ashes were spread over grass I had once walked on... beneath trees that had once given me shade... on top of the roses I once admired... and beside fences I once gossiped over. And after my friends had finished saying goodbye, a wind came along and took what was left of me into the air.
As I looked down on the world, I began to let go of it. I let go of white picket fences and cars in driveways, coffee cups and vacuum cleaners. I let go off all those things which seem so ordinary, but when you put them together, they make up a life... a life that really was one of a kind.
I'll tell you something: It's not hard to die when you know you have lived, and I did. Oh, how I lived.
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